Ongoing Projects

“Cipì Cipì, I want to get out of here!”. These are the words that Cipì, the little bird protagonist of the children’s novel by Mario Lodi and his boys, uses to tell his mother that he can’t wait to get out of the nest even though he can’t fly yet!

The CIPI: Intercultural Competences for an Inclusive Padua project aims to foster the inclusion of persons enjoying international protection in Padua and build an inclusive community on which they can rely in their new life in Padua. How?

By experimenting an intercultural skills development approach that will involve young Italian girls and boys and holders of international protection, thanks to a network of partner organisations in the area. 

The Kune project is promoted by peoples together in partnership with S.i.d.e.s. Aps, Associazione Una Strada aps, Smile Africa odv, Boramosa aps, Centro Astalli Vicenza odv and financed by the Veneto Region with state resources from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies.

One of the main objectives of the project is to create intercultural and intergenerational solidarity networks to combat the isolation of young people.

In the context of what at the European level is ‘The European Year of Competences’, it is important to hinder the isolation of young people by structuring a wide-ranging training proposal for young people, the ultimate goal of which is to make them active citizens, participants in the life of the community as well as key players in paths of social inclusion, specifically with regard to their peers with a migration background behind them. Discussion and encounters between Italian and non-Italian peers would be useful to increase social, recreational and cultural participation, with a view to facilitating paths of social inclusion for foreign citizens and combating isolation, also as a preventive measure, thus starting with the youngest.

The network of partners implementing the KUNE project has the peculiarity of working closely not only with young people but also with people with a migration background or at particular risk of social vulnerability.

Scarica l’allegato C1 
Scarica l’allegato C2

The European project TIPS. Training Interculture Participation Sustainability is promoted by Popoli Insieme in paternity with Fundacion Red Incola (Spain), YouthLand (Romania) and AMAL İNSANİ YARDIM DERNEĞİ – KİLİS ŞUBESİ (Turkey), with co-funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme.

Among the main objectives of the project are the promotion of social inclusion through initiatives and activities that can bring the topic of environmental sustainability closer to young people and in particular young migrants and refugees, making it concrete and accessible. Through this project, young people in particular will become agents of change through social engagement and active participation in the community, at the same time developing their digital skills with an eye on professional opportunities in the green sector.


All partner organisations will involve their group of young people in monthly activities on environmental sustainability issues.

The heart of the project will be a training in Arad, Romania, where 16 young people and 4 youth workers will have the opportunity to learn more about environmental sustainability, climate activism and green jobs, including digital skills.

Finally, all the notions acquired by the participants will be turned into a vademecum containing ‘tips’ for building a more sustainable and intercultural community.

The European project Change Environment, part of the KA2 action of the Erasmus+ program, aims to promote critical thinking, the development of transversal skills, and increased student engagement in reflecting on the causes of climate migration and possible alternatives.

The project includes:
– The development and implementation of a training module for teachers on the subject.
– An activation action for “Student Ambassadors – Good practices to raise awareness about Climate Change and Migration.” International meetings between project partners are planned.

For more information, visit the website:

The T4Change project, led by JRS EU, is an initiative to raise awareness in schools that will be implemented in eight European countries (Belgium, Spain, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, and Portugal). The main goal is to promote civic engagement among students and the integration of migrants by encouraging collaborative actions with young migrants in schools and community initiatives. The project highlights the empowerment and participation of migrants by involving self-managed migrant organizations. For more information, visit the website:

The “KALIMAT” project (from Arabic, “words”) is set within a social context characterized by the presence of various migrant linguistic communities in the Padua area. These communities represent a wealth of cultural and linguistic diversity but often face challenges related to integration and mutual understanding with the local population.

Language learning is a key element for social, economic, and cultural integration, and acquiring adequate language skills is essential for a fulfilling daily life. In this regard, Padua is a favorable territory for interaction, as it is characterized by the intersection of a variety of cultural traditions, each brought by the migrant communities present.

The “KALIMAT” project aims to promote integration and interculturality in Padua, mutual understanding between migrant communities and the local population, the empowerment of migrant communities, and to create a supportive and inclusive environment for all participants.

“IMPARIAMO A SOGNARE – LEARN TO DREAM” is a three-year project aimed at combating educational poverty, funded by the Agency for Territorial Cohesion. The project specifically targets minors aged between 11 and 17 living in the southeastern neighborhoods of Padua. The title “Impariamo a Sognare” (Learn to Dream) concisely expresses the project’s goal and methodology: “Learn…” not alone, but together, involving the community to become “educative” and, in turn, engage the minors to whom the project is addressed; “…to Dream,” because social poverty, and in particular educational poverty, is closely linked to the opportunities that young people have to imagine and envision their future.sito.

Finding a house in Padua is becoming increasingly difficult, particularly for foreign students. This is due to an objective shortage of housing solutions in the city and beds in university dormitories, but also to a reluctance on the part of landlords to rent to foreign tenants.

For many students, the joy of receiving a scholarship is quickly overshadowed by the stress and difficulty of finding accommodation, making it harder for them to integrate into the new social context and build a network in the area. Could living together be the solution?

Over the past few years, the Association Popoli Insieme has strengthened relationships with students residing at the Centro Antonianum, and from this exchange, the idea of the “Arrupe Project” was born. In the last 2 years, 15 university students who are refugees and/or seeking international protection have been placed in the involved residences. The Arrupe Project has allowed all students, both Italian and foreign, to discover and build a new daily life together and to feel at the center of an educational and community growth project in an intercultural context.

The heart of the Arrupe Project is the creation of a shared living experience where students can feel like protagonists in a personal and collective educational journey, take care of their inner selves, and build their future based on the richness of interaction and encounter with others, because “the more we deal with each other, the better we will understand each other” (A. Langer).

Specifically, the initiative aims to:

– Propose a creative training/self-training pathway for young university students from diverse backgrounds (including some refugees).
– Raise awareness among the Padua public on the topics of peace and human rights, particularly the right to education.

The direct beneficiaries of the initiative are young university students, both Italian and refugees, aged between 18 and 30, who share the experience of university study. Refugee students are often individuals who, had they stayed in their home country, would have risked their lives and/or been unable to access fundamental human rights. Therefore, we believe it is important to promote and enhance opportunities for knowledge and interaction with other students and the local community, to increase awareness of the importance of human rights and peace.


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