
Executive board

The board is composed by volunteers. It exercises ordinary and extraordinary decisive power.

Alvise Moretti

Valentina Baliello

Alberto Bortolami

Davide Pettenella


The Popoli Insieme assembly is composed by 34 members. Its duty is to elect the executive board of the association as well as the President, to approve the annual financial report and the activities plans. The members support the activities of the association. The membership fee is 10,00 €.


Our team of social workers qualifies and specializes the activities of the association. Our team is composed by people from different educational backgrounds (education, psychology, human rights, linguistic mediation, sociology), with diverse skills and experiences.

Our team is composed by a coordinator, social workers who manage the reception and take care of the people we welcome, social planners who promote projects on a local, national and European level as well as a responsible for educational projects. In our team there is also an office worker, a responsible for fundraising and communication, a cultural mediator and a responsible for integration and volunteer activities.

Our team can use the professionalism of external collaborators such as interpreters, psychologists and lawyers, as well as counting on the support of two Civil Service operators and interns.


Many of our activities are possible because of the precious support of more than 50 volunteers, who help us in the reception of asylum seekers and refugees as well as in the educational and awareness projects.
Their support is essential for the social workers, that can count on them when it comes to language courses, job hunting, sport and social occasions, but also school workshops with students.
Our association values those friendships that come together between volunteers and refugees welcomed in our accomodation: they have the chance to find a friendly person they can rely on, a constant bound in a life where there is no stability.
Would you like to become a volunteer? Fill up this form!


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